Monday, August 18, 2008

I've become bitter and enraptured by this world.

I long to be free.

Perhaps Fairy Tales are even more true than "Real Life". I've just stopped believing in them to face "reality".

I'm tired.

I want to hope again.

True bravery exists. and I do have a Prince on a White Horse who is coming for me. I long to be swept off my feet.

Jesus, take me back to my first Love.

Cleanse my heart from this unholiness, these idols...these lies which have consumed me.

NO longer. I want to Hope again in your unfailing love

Have no anxiety in anything but in everything by prayer and petition let your requests be made known unto God, and the peace of God which passes all understanding shall guard your hearts in Christ Jesus.

Take every thought captive...

we have the Mind of Christ

He is FOR us.

I will Trust. He is GOOD. He is working everything for my favor

I will not hide to prevent another's insecurity. I will be FULLY me. NO masks. Shining. Who am I not to be brilliant, talented and fabulous?

Renew me Lord. I know I will be misuderstood, but take me deeper into your Love. I long to be Loved and to Love. Fill my heart.

Fill my mind with the things that uplift and encourage. Fairy tales. Real Reality