Saturday, January 19, 2008

Lord Jesus,...How do I explain this feeling...I want a relationship so bad. I want to be loved and to love someone so much. To be kissed softly and looked at with eyes that long to know more of my soul. God, I want to rest my head on his chest and to just breathe with him. I want to spend my life in an adventure with a man with brilliant dreams. I don't ever want life to be boring. I want to know him deeply and to be intrigued with the way you made him. God, I long to be looked at with such affection that I am the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. I want to enjoy walking and talking with him. To explore life together. to travel. To know more of you God. To run deeper into the depths of your grace. Oh God..when? I want to meet him. I don't want all the insecurity of the beginning of a relationship though. I hate that. I want it to be exciting and full of energy and no fear. God, I know that you know who my next bf and my husband will be. I love you and I really want to meet him. God help make me complete in you. I can never find fulfillment in a man's affections and kisses for me. God I feel so much love through physical touch and I'm almost scared of it. I feel guilty for liking it so much. Especially in public. I feel like others are judging me. Oh God, I don't know how to do this. I love to be kissed and held and physically near someone. God, help me. Should I not kiss til I married? Maybe it will be easier that way? Because sometimes it's more fun to just kiss rather than talk once you start it's kinda addicting. I feel loved when I am hugged and held close so it's hard to come up with good boundaries and that has always bugged me. Please God, show me some Godly wisdom from some women who have felt the same way. Help me not to compare my next relationship with the previous constantly. I want to express myself fully to you and how do I do that if I am dedicating so much of my life to one person? Jesus, I have so many questions. Please teach me to listen to you and to realize that I am never complete until I with you. God it might be easier just not to kiss, actually. I don't know. I look forward to it so much. Please work on my heart. I want to be able to give my all to you with no regrets. I'm so glad that I'm your child and I can talk to you about all of this. Please Jesus...let him come soon. I want to meet him and get to know him so badly. I will trust you.

Oh chick flicks. This is what you stir up in me!